CTS provides supervised injection services to address the opioid crisis. It offers integrated, wrap-around services that connect clients who use drugs to primary care, treatment, and other health and social services.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to commonly asked questions about our products and services.
What is an Opioid overdose?
Opioid drugs affect the part of your brain that controls your breathing. When you take more opioids than your body can handle (overdose), your breathing slows. This can lead to unconsciousness and even death.
What are the signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose?
Recognize the signs and symptoms of an overdose, including:
* difficulty
* walking
* talking
* staying awake
* blue or grey lips or nails
* very small pupils
* cold and clammy skin
* dizziness and confusion
* extreme drowsiness
* choking, gurgling or snoring sounds
* slow, weak or no breathing
* inability to wake up, even when shaken or shouted at
What are Consumption and Treatment Services?
Consumption and Treatment Services (CTS) are akin to lifeguard stations for drug use, offering a safe and hygienic environment where individuals can consume pre-obtained drugs under the supervision of trained staff. These facilities provide sterile injection supplies, overdose prevention and intervention, as well as access to various services such as social navigators, housing supports, employment assistance, and addictions and mental health counseling. CTS play a crucial role in addressing the rapid opioid crisis in areas like Hamilton by offering low-barrier, lifesaving interventions.
Do crime rates increase around Consumption and Treatment Services (CTS)?
No, according to peer-reviewed empirical research, there is no evidence linking the presence of Consumption and Treatment Services (CTS) with increased criminal activity in surrounding areas. A study by Livingston in 2021 scrutinized methodological weaknesses and aberrant results of a government report in Alberta, Canada, finding no correlation between CTS and increased crime rates.
How to reduce the risk?
If you use opioids, you can reduce your risk of overdose or death by:
* not using alone
* knowing your tolerance (how much you can take)
* having a naloxone kit available, and knowing how to use it
* using a small amount of an opioid first to check the strength.
* not taking opioids with alcohol or other drugs (unless prescribed by your doctor)
What is naloxone and how does it reverse opioid overdoses?
Naloxone is a medication that rapidly reverses the effects of opioid overdose by binding to opioid receptors in the brain, displacing opioids like fentanyl, heroin, morphine, or codeine, and restoring normal breathing within minutes.
What are the benefits of CTS?
What are the benefits of Consumption and Treatment Services (CTS)?
CTS offer numerous advantages:
* They reduce drug overdoses by providing supervised environments and access to overdose-reversing medications like naloxone.
* CTS lower the risk of infectious diseases like HIV and hepatitis by promoting safe injection practices and providing sterile equipment.
* By providing immediate care for overdose situations, CTS alleviate strain on Emergency Departments, leading to cost savings and more efficient resource allocation.
* They act as a gateway to detox and drug treatment services, increasing access to long-term recovery options.
* CTS connect individuals with various health and social services, addressing underlying issues contributing to substance use.
* They provide safe injection sites, reducing the risks associated with public injection.
* CTS educate clients about opioid tolerance and overdose risk, empowering them to make informed decisions about their health.
* They help mitigate public health hazards by providing safe disposal options for needles and routine collection services.
Numbers Speak
CTS – Prevent overdose. Save Lives.
Reduction in Overdose Deaths
Decrease in HIV Transmission
Annual Healthcare Savings
Increase in Access to Treatment
Book your appointment:
Phone: 905 522 3233
Email: connections@hucchc.com
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