What Sets Us Apart from Others
This section outlines various existing service areas and collaborations aimed at addressing health inequities, mental health and addiction issues, specific population needs, and complex chronic health and social conditions.

Health Equity
Collaborations and partnerships that support better access to services for marginalized populations, including the Canadian Alliance of Community Health Centres, Hamilton Health Team, and various working groups and committees focused on equity and inclusion.
Mental Health and Addiction
Partnerships established to address service gaps and provide support to marginalized clients with mental health, mental illness, pain, and addiction issues, including clinics, support groups, and programs like SMART® Recovery.
Population Focused
Collaborations and partnerships focused on specific populations with unique health and social needs, such as refugees, youth, women, and seniors, through programs like primary health care clinics, youth parenting support, and health promotion activities.
Complex, Chronic Health and Social Conditions
Partnerships enabling the provision of a wider range of services to marginalized clients with chronic health and social conditions, including cancer screening, diabetes education, and wound care clinics.